Ok, we’re not off to a great start here. First off, this is a day late. For future reference: it’s not a great idea to start a daily blog post series from the airport. Jet lag can get you before you’ve got into the routine.
But far more annoying to me: I had planned to write about how to make hg-git go, and excitedly explain how this blog post is being committed and pushed from a mercurial fork of my site’s repo. There was going to be a digression into how it was a bit of a pain to make HTTP auth work for Github private repos, but that I figured it out in the end.
Unfortunately, I have simply failed to figure out hg-git at all. I can’t get it to work even for locally cloning a repo with a single commit:
$ git init git-repo
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/git-repo/.git/
$ cd git-repo/
$ echo 'A git repo' > README
$ git add README
$ git commit -m'README'
[master (root-commit) e148665] README
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 README
$ cd ..
$ hg clone git-repo hg-git-repo
importing git objects into hg
abort: filtered revision '911b5ec9fbffb99638eb10be7edb803b4898bad9'!
$ cd ../git-repo
$ echo "\nDoesn't work." >> README
$ git add README
$ git commit -m'Update README'
[master 6b0ae1d] Update README
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
$ cd ..
$ hg clone git-repo hg-git-repo
importing git objects into hg
abort: you appear to have run strip - please run hg git-cleanup
$ echo ":'("
So that’ll have to wait.
Instead I’ll just write something about extensions in general, purely based on things I’ve read on the internet.
There are a lot of features in mercurial that are not “core”, but instead are bundled extensions. This includes at least a couple of the features I called out in the first post. As a specific example, the feature I called out as pushing me over the edge, hg absorb
, is an extension.
It does some some fancy stuff that would be hard to make work as well in a git-absorb
“extension” command, for example modifying history without every touching the working directory, and relying on a bespoke algorithm to find which commits changes belong with. I’m sure I could cobble something together in bash or perl1 to achieve a similar effect, but it would almost certainly use rebase under the hood, and so have to change the working tree.
I think mercurial being in Python is at least partly responsible for things like absorb being possible to add in extensions. It lets you use internal APIs without a recompile: just drop a file somewhere and tell mercurial where to find it. And those internal APIs are more accessible than git’s for being in Python.
Oh, and hg-git, the thing that lets you—but not me, apparently—use mercurial as a git client? That’s an extension too. :-)
Once upon a time, the rust community used the issue label I-papercut
to refer to
Minor issues, nice-to-haves. Some times these are ergonomics issues which in aggregate are quite important.
I really like metaphor: you won’t die from a single papercut, but it will get in your way. And worse, it could turn you off whatever caused it.
The fact that so many features in mercurial are in extensions is a papercut. It makes a mess of the first-run experience, especially for users coming from git. The out-of-the-box feature set is a bit limited—again, especially for git users—and I’ve never seen a mercurial guide that didn’t suggest enabling several extensions. To me that’s a really strong suggestion that something is wrong.
As an example: in the first post, I said I use rebase a lot. Can you rebase in mercurial? Of course, just enable the extension. How about using meld to see a diff? Yup, there’s an extension. Colour output in diffs? The answer used to be an extension, but thankfully that’s built-in now.
On a related note, the syntax for enabling an extension is itself a papercut: I find it simultaneously confusing and ugly. Here’s what the rebase docs have as how to enable it:
Enable the extension in the configuration file (e.g. .hg/hgrc):
[extensions] rebase =
All I can think is “rebase
equals what, damnit?!” Yes, I now know that the right hand side is the path to a python module (.py
file, or directory containing __init__.py
), and that since rebase
is distributed with mercurial, it’s in the default search path, so you don’t need to say where to find it. But what’s wrong with something like
rebase = on # or True, or anything more yes-like than the empty string
Day 3 or 4 will hopefully involve me actually using mercurial. I’m going to give myself a bit more time to figure out hg-git, since it’s the only way I can see to fit mercurial into my daily workflow. If I can’t, I’ll just start doing some mini project or other using mercurial for version control.
Until then!2