This is the third post in a series on Kubernetes, the open source cluster manager. The earlier posts were about the kubelet, and the API server.

It’s been a while since the last post, but I’m excited to finally finish this one off. This is about the scheduler, which is the first part of what makes Kubernetes Kubernetes. The scheduler’s job is to decide where in the cluster to run our workloads. This lets us stop thinking about which host should run what, and just declaratively say ‘I want this to be running’.

When we left off last time, we were able to run a collection of containers on a specific Kubernetes node by posting a JSON manifest to the API server. We also got a look at the kubectl, the command line client for Kubernetes, which makes it much easier to interact with the cluster.

Oh, except that until now we haven’t had a cluster, at least not in the sense of multiple machines. In this post we’re going to change that. To follow along, you’ll need a few machines—virtual, real, cloud, it doesn’t matter. What does matter is

  • they are all on the same network
  • they all have Docker installed

I’ve got a few machines in the examples below: the master is master, while the nodes are node1, node2. I’m assuming they can all be reached via their hostnames; feel free to substitute in their IPs instead!

Starting the API server

We’re going to breeze through starting the API server, since it’s all straight out of the last post.

master$ mkdir etcd-data
master$ docker run --volume=$PWD/etcd-data:/default.etcd \
--detach --net=host > etcd-container-id
master$ wget
master$ chmod +x kube-apiserver
master$ ./kube-apiserver \
--etcd-servers= \
--service-cluster-ip-range= \

The only difference is we’ve added --insecure-bind-address= This allows the kubelets running on the nodes to connect to the API server remotely without any authentication. Ordinarily, unauthenticated connections are only allowed from localhost.

Just to be clear, you really don’t want to do this in production!

While we’re here, let’s also get kubectl, the command line client we looked at in the last post:

master$ wget
master$ chmod +x kubectl

Launching some nodes

This will be quick too, as we’ve done this a couple of times before. The only difference here is that the API server isn’t running on localhost, so we need to include its address. I’ve got two nodes, but I’ll just show this once below. If you’re following along, do this on as many nodes as you want!

node1$ ./kubelet --api-servers=http://master:8080

Now back on master:

master$ ./kubectl get nodes
NAME      LABELS                         STATUS    AGE
node1   Ready     2m
node2   Ready     4s


Running something on the cluster

Kubernetes runs pods, which are collections of containers that execute together. To start, we’ll create a pod and specify which node it should run on.

We’ll continue running our nginx example pod from the earlier posts. Get the pod manifest, which specifies which containers to run. We specify the node to run on by setting the nodeName field. Edit the file and set it to run on one of your nodes. I picked node2.

master$ wget
master$ $EDITOR nginx-with-nodename.yaml  # edit the nodeName field to match a node

Now create the pod:

master$ ./kubectl create --filename nginx-with-nodename.yaml

We can check with kubectl get pods we see that it got picked up. If you’re quicker than me, you might catch it in the Pending state, before the kubelet starts it, but it should end up Running fairly quickly.

master$ ./kubectl get pods
NAME                  READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-with-nodename   2/2       Running   0          7s

Just to be sure it’s actually on node2 as we said, we can kubectl describe the pod:

master$ ./kubectl describe pods/nginx-with-nodename | grep ^Node
Node:                           node2/

We can break down what happened here:

  • initially, the kubelets on each node are watching the API server for pods they are meant to be running
  • kubectl created a pod on the API server that’s meant to run on node2
  • the kubelet on node2 noticed the new pod, and so started running it.

We can also try a pod manifest that doesn’t specify a node to run on. In our current setup, this pod will forever sit in the Pending state. Let’s try anyway:

master$ wget
master$ ./kubectl create --filename nginx-without-nodename.yaml
master$ ./kubectl get pods
NAME                     READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-with-nodename      2/2       Running   0          3m
nginx-without-nodename   0/2       Pending   0          20s

Even if you take a break and read the internet for 15 minutes, it’ll still be there, Pending:

master$ ./kubectl get pods
NAME                     READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-with-nodename      2/2       Running   0          18m
nginx-without-nodename   0/2       Pending   0          15m

Breaking it down in the same way:

  • initially, the kubelets on each node are watching the API server for pods they are meant to be running
  • kubectl created a pod on the API server without specifying which node to run on
  • … yeah, nothing’s going to happen.

The scheduler

This is where the sheduler comes in: its job is to take pods that aren’t bound to a node, and assign them one. Once the pod has a node assigned, the normal behavior of the kubelet kicks in, and the pod gets started.

Let’s get the scheduler binary and start it running on master:

master$ wget
master$ chmod +x kubectl
master$ ./kube-scheduler --master=http://localhost:8080

Not long after starting the scheduler, the nginx-without-nodename pod should get assigned a node and start running.

master$ ./kubectl get pods
NAME                     READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-with-nodename      2/2       Running   0          1h
nginx-without-nodename   2/2       Running   0          1h

If we describe it, we can see which node it got scheduled on:

master$ ./kubectl describe pods/nginx-without-nodename | grep ^Node
Node:                           node1/

It ended up on node1! The scheduler tries to spread out pods evenly across the nodes we have available, so that makes sense. If you’re interested in more about how the scheduler places pods, there’s a really good Stack Overflow answer with some details.

We can also get a list of ‘events’ related to the pod. These are state changes through the pods lifetime:

master$ ./kubectl describe pods/nginx-without-nodename | grep -A5 ^Events
  FirstSeen     LastSeen        Count   From            SubobjectPath                           Reason                  Message
  ─────────     ────────        ─────   ────            ─────────────                           ──────                  ───────
  25m           25m             1       {scheduler }                                            Scheduled               Successfully assigned nginx-without-nodename to node1
  23m           23m             1       {kubelet node1} implicitly required container POD       Pulling                 Pulling image ""
  23m           23m             1       {kubelet node1} implicitly required container POD       Pulled                  Successfully pulled image ""

The first one shows it getting scheduled, then others are related to the pod starting up on the node.

At this point, if you create another pod without specifying a node for it to run on, the scheduler will place it right away. Try it out!

Wrapping up

So now we are able to declaratively specify workloads, and get them scheduled across our cluster, which is great! But if we actually try connecting to the nginx servers we have running, we’ll see we have a little problem:

master$ ./kubectl describe pods/nginx-with-nodename | grep ^IP
master$ curl
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 80: No route to host

This pod is running on node2. If we go over to that machine, we get through:

node2$ curl --stderr /dev/null | head -4
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>

But our other node can’t reach it:

node1$ curl
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 80: No route to host

In the next post, we’ll take a little detour into Kubernetes networking, and make it possible for containers to talk to each other over the network.